CRi Announces Preparations for COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
Like all of you, we have been reading with interest the various news items on the Coronavirus. In addition, our entire management team has been working with our President & CEO, Arthur Ginsberg, to review and reinforce our emergency plan preparations. Here is a snapshot of what we are doing.
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For current updates & resources regarding CRi & COVID-19, visit our COVID-19 Resources & Info page
UPDATE: 3/14/2020: CRi is suspending Day Program participation for al individuals supported in our residential programs effective March 16th, 2020. In addition, CRi is temporarily closing Newbrook Day Programs, including the NICS Community-based programs, at all locations for the period March 16th ‐ 27th, 2020.
We know this will cause a disruption of people's lives and daily routines and that of their families and friends. The CRi service delivery area, our community, has experienced a dramatic and unprecedented increase in COVID‐19 cases. In addition, we are witnessing the impact of governments' declarations of state/national emergencies.
We are implementing these proactive measures to reduce the risk of exposure and transmission. Our priority is making sure we support individuals, staff, and community remain healthy and safe. For more information and updates on how CRi is preparing for COVID-19, visit .
UPDATE 3/14/2020: CRi's top priority is the health and well‐being of individuals, families and friends, employees and visitors. Given the most recent government updates regarding COVID‐19 we have instituted the following requirements effective March 13,2020 and until further notice:
All visits are temporarily suspended unless they are of critical nature. PLEASE CALL the program home if you have a critical need to visit or drop an item off.
If approved for a critical visit :
- You certify that you are not experiencing any of these health symptoms: a fever in excess of 100 degrees, a cough or shortness of breath.
- You certify that you have not been in contact with anyone who has tested positive or a presumptive positive with COVID‐19 or anyone who has been in contact with a person who has a positive diagnosis.
We are actively supporting in-person visits via telephone and video. We are implementing these proactive measures to reduce the risk of exposure and transmission. Our priority is making sure we support individuals, staff, and community remain healthy and safe. Thank you in advance for your support. If you have questions about this temporary practice, please call Terry Hurley, VP at 703‐842‐2321. Visit for continuing updates on COVID-19.
UPDATE: 3/14/2020: Like all of you, we have been reading with interest the various news items on the Coronavirus. In addition, our entire management team has been working with our President & CEO, Arthur Ginsberg, to review and reinforce our emergency plan preparations. Here is a snapshot of what we are doing.
#1 – We are strongly committed to our Emergency Preparedness (EP) Plans and the efforts that we have made in their development. We will rely on them to help guide, but not constrain, us as we address this event over the next few weeks and months. We began meeting in February to address this very important topic.
#2 – Our leadership team has put together our emergency response team , our leadership structure for emergency planning. Our medical director, Dr. U. Nguyen, started on Friday, February 28th and emphasized that while there are unknowns with the coronavirus, our primary focus needs to be on infection control and flu prevention methods. Focus on flu prevention and preparedness. This includes increasing the frequency of cleaning and implementing our infectious disease prevention protocols and universal precautions.
#3 – We are monitoring, gathering and sharing information, tools and techniques from a variety of sources such as the CDC, the state health agencies for Maryland and Virginia, local county Community Service Boards, health departments, other organizations and ANCOR. This has led us to beef up our cleaning routines and review of supplies.
#4 – Let me identify specific actions in our program areas that may be followed up with more information as appropriate. - For our residential programs we will be implementing restrictions on visitors and visitations. The timing will be announced soon. Of note, deliveries will continue with a focus on limiting interaction with 3rd parties. In addition, we will be increasing our daily health screenings in the programs to ensure close monitoring of individuals' health. - For our community programs we are re-evaluating our meeting locations, our pickup routines and our screening protocols. Specific plans will be communicated by the program(s) as needed to their families and/or residential providers. - We ask for your cooperation on both of these operational adjustments as we work through strategies to address this virus. We will make every effort to communicate why we are making changes, if and when they are needed.
#5 – We are actively engaging with our employees on this topic. In particular, appropriately discussing; their ability to work given various scenarios regarding community closures such as schools, their recent travel plans, and possible exposure of their direct family/friends. Our team will act accordingly with the information to address the agency's needs. Our support functions are evaluating telework practices that can be effective in minimizing the risk of exposures while also accomplishing their support tasks. There will be more use of conference calls and fewer face-to-face meetings.
#6 – Lastly, as we have learned this past week, this is a fast moving issue however, our mission of supporting individuals and providing a safe environment for them and our employees is not changing. How we operate on a day-to-day basis will change in the short-term, but not our mission.
Information in Spanish
CRi's Preparations for COVID-19 (Coronavirus).
Like all of you, we have been reading with interest the various news stories about the coronavirus. Additionally, our management team has been working with our President and CEO, Arthur Ginsberg, to review and strengthen preparations for our emergency plan. Here is a summary of what we are doing.
#1 – We are committed to our emergency preparedness plan and the efforts we have made in developing it. We will rely on them to guide us, but not limit us, as we address this event over the coming weeks and months. We began meeting in February to address this very important topic.
#2 – Our leadership team has put together our emergency response team , our leadership structure for emergency planning. Our medical director, Dr. U. Nguyen, started on Friday, February 28th and emphasized that while there are unknowns with the coronavirus, our primary focus needs to be on infection control and flu prevention methods. Focus on flu prevention and preparedness. This includes increasing the frequency of cleaning and implementing our infectious disease prevention protocols and universal precautions.
#3 – We are monitoring, collecting, and distributing information, tools, and techniques from a variety of sources including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), state health agencies for Maryland and Virginia, local county community services boards, and health departments. , and other organizations, and ANCOR (a national nonprofit agency representing private providers of services to people with disabilities). This has led us to increase our cleaning routines and review our supplies.
#4 – Let me identify specific actions in our programs that can be followed up with more information when appropriate.
- For our residential programs, we will be implementing restrictions on visitors and visitation. The timing will be announced soon. Of note, deliveries will continue with a focus on limiting interaction with third parties. Additionally, we will be increasing daily health screenings in programs to ensure thorough monitoring of individuals' health.
- For our community programs, we are re-evaluating our meeting locations, our pick-up routines, and our health screening protocols. Specific plans will be communicated by programs as needed to families and/or residential providers.
- We ask for your cooperation in both of these operational adjustments as we find strategies to deal with this virus. We will make every effort to communicate the reasons for changes if and when they are necessary.
#5 – We are actively engaging our employees on this topic. Specifically, having appropriate discussions regarding their ability to work given various scenarios regarding community closures such as schools, their recent travel, and the possibility of exposure to their families/immediate friends. Our team will take appropriate action with this information to address agency requirements.
Our support functions are evaluating teleworking practices that may be effective in reducing the risk of exposure while performing their support duties. There will be more conference calls and fewer face-to-face meetings.
#6 – Lastly, as we learned this past week, this is a rapidly evolving issue, but our mission to support individuals and provide them and our employees with a safe environment will not change. How we conduct our day-to-day operations will change in the short term, but our mission will not.
CRi's top priority is the health and well-being of individuals, families and friends, employees and visitors. Due to the most recent government updates regarding Covid-19 we have instituted the following requirements effective March 13, 2020 until further notice:
All visits are temporarily suspended unless they are critical in nature. PLEASE CALL the residential program if you have a critical need to visit or deliver an item. If you are approved for a critical visit:
- Tienes que certificar que no estas sintiendo ninguno de estos síntomas: una fiebre en exceso de 100 grados, tos falta de aire.
- Tienes que certificar que no has estado en contacto con alguien que ha recibido resultados positivos un presumido positivo de covid-19
- Alguna otra persona que ha estado en contacto con alguien quien ha tenido una diagnosis positiva.
Estamos apoyando visitas por teléfono y video en lugar de visitas en persona. Estamos implementando estas medidas preventivas para reducir el riesgo de exposición y transmisión. Nuestra prioridad es asegurar el bienestar y seguridad de los individuos que soportamos, nuestros empleados, y nuestra comunidad. Gracias con antelación por su soporte. Si tienes preguntas sobre estas prácticas provisionales por favor llame a Terry Hurley, VP a 703-842-2321.
Asunto: La respuesta de CRi a COVID – 19 - Modificación de Actividades Programáticas de Residencias y la Clausura Temporal del Newbrook Day Program
CRi está suspendiendo la participación en el Newbrook Day Program de todos los individuos soportados en los programas residenciales de CRi efectivo el 16 de marzo de 2020.
Adicionalmente, CRi está clausurando temporalmente el Newbrook Day Program, incluyendo el NICS programas radicado en la comunidad, en todos los ubicaciones para el periodo del 16 de marzo hasta el 27 de marzo de 2020.
Sabemos que estas acciones interrumpirán a las vidas y rutinas diarias de los individuos, familias y amigos. La área de servicio de CRi, nuestro comunidad, ha experimentado un aumentado dramático y sin precedentes de casos de covid-19. Adicionalmente, somos testigos del impacto de las declaraciones de estados de emergencia de los gobiernos estatales y nacionales.
Estamos implementando estas medidas preventivas para reducir el riesgo de exposición y transmisión. Nuestra prioridad es asegurar el bienestar y seguridad de los individuos que soportamos, nuestros empleados, y nuestra comunidad.