About CRi

Our History

CRi, formerly Arlington Community Residences, Inc., began in 1975 when a group of Arlington families, faith groups and government leaders worked with Arlington County to charter an independent nonprofit agency that would bring together & expand efforts to help people with mental health and/or developmental disabilities to live & work in their own local communities.

At its outset, Arlington Community Residences (as it was initially known) stood at the forefront of the growing community integration movement. This grass-roots, family-driven effort sought to create community-based alternatives to the institutionalization of people with mental health or intellectual disabilities.

As the community integration movement grew & the demand for community-based alternatives expanded, Arlington Community Residences became Community Residences when services were initiated throughout Northern Virginia, the Richmond area & in Maryland. Expansion was not only geographic -- CRi also began to offer case management & transitional support for people who were homeless, residential youth services, day programs for adult with developmental disabilities, & home-based clinical & practical support for people living on their own.

Let’s take a journey to highlight some of the biggest achievements in our industry, community & beyond...

1960 - President John F Kennedy launches a panel to move away from institutionalization & toward community-based supports. This will later pave the way for disability reform in America.
1965 – Passage of Medicaid incentivizes states to move patients out of state mental hospitals into nursing homes & hospitals. Medicaid excludes coverage for people in “institutions for mental diseases”
1971 - The Southside Virginia Training Center opened in Petersburg, VA. SVT was an institution for individuals with intellectual disabilities. The Southeastern Virginia Training Center in Chesapeake, VA, opened in 1971, as well, providing identical services.
1975 – Federal Law: Developmental Disabilities and Bill of Rights Act (DD Act) became law. This act provided grants to states to develop programs for people with developmental disabilities. Education for All Handicapped Children Act became law Later became know as Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). This act provided federal protection to insure children and youth with disabilities receive a free and appropriate education.
1975 - Arlington Community Residences, Inc. (ACRI) was established to manage existing group residences & expand in Arlington County, Virginia & opened our first supervised group home in Virginia for people with mental illness, which became a model program for other communities in VA & beyond.

1977 – WHAT A GREAT YEAR! Community Residence’s first group home supporting people with Intellectual Disabilities is established at N. 22nd Road, serving 12 individuals.

1978 - Community Residences added three independent apartments for individuals with mental illness & hired a counselor to serve people in independent settings in the Arlington community.

1982 – The first ICF of its kind in Virginia is opened to support individuals dually diagnosed with Intellectual Disabilities & mental illness.

1983 – The Mental Health Crisis Stabilization program opens & is recognized by the National Institute of Mental Health (NAMI).
1984 – Community Living Program (CLP) is established in Arlington to help adults with mental illness live independently in the community.
1988 – The first group home opens in Richmond, Virginia for people with Intellectual Disabilities.
1992 – Mental Health evaluations & services begin in the state of Maryland. This paves the way for progressive mental health awareness & reform.
2011 – CR opens the Newbrook Place Day Program for people with Intellectual Disabilities and/or complex behavioral needs. This program allows individuals to sharpen their life skills in a supervised setting, with a focus on choice & independence.

2013 – Virginia settles with the Department of Justice to provide more community-based services for people with Intellectual Disabilities. Virginia decides to close its Training Centers, providing more opportunities for people to live independently in their own communities through organizations such as CR.

2016 - CR's Day Program expands, offering Integrated Community Services to spend the full day in the community working on building job skills & other lifeskills. This expansionallows CRi to provide an array of services besides affordable housing.
October 2018 - Community Residences evaluates Strategic Framework & launches a new brand & website to better serve the local community & beyond. Community Residences is now known as CRi, promoting choice, respect & independence for all.