An Inside Look at CRi's Strategic Planning Process

Get an inside look at CRi's strategic planning process and discover how we are preparing for a sustainable and successful future.

An Inside Look at CRi's Strategic Planning Process


CRi’s Strategic Planning: A Look Ahead

Every successful organization needs a roadmap; a clear vision of where it's going and how it plans to get there. At CRi, we're committed to continuous improvement and long-term sustainability, which is why our dedicated board of directors recently embarked on a comprehensive strategic planning process. This process, which takes place every 3-5 years, is essential for ensuring that CRi not only survives but thrives in an ever-changing landscape.

CRi's board of directors plays a vital role in guiding the organization. These volunteer community leaders generously dedicate their time, energy, and expertise to support our mission and keep us on track. Over the past five months, the board has been deeply engaged in developing a strategic plan that will shape CRi's direction for the next three fiscal years. This important project has been expertly led by long-time board member Matt Bartley, with invaluable assistance from volunteer facilitator Jennifer Sosin.

The strategic planning process began with a thorough assessment of CRi's current standing and how we are perceived by our key stakeholders. We gathered input from community leaders, government agencies, families, donors, community activists, employees, and, most importantly, the individuals we serve. This comprehensive feedback was then carefully analyzed by a subset of the board and the Senior Leadership team to create a draft plan for the next three years.

The draft plan was then shared with a diverse group of stakeholders, including front-line employees, our clinical leadership team, and the entire management team, to gather additional feedback and ensure that the plan reflects the perspectives of our entire community. The draft is currently being revised based on this valuable input and will be presented to the board for final approval in March. Following approval, we will develop a budget and a detailed one-year implementation plan to support the strategic goals, with implementation beginning on July 1st.

A Foundation for the Future

This process, while seemingly straightforward, involves a significant amount of coordination and analysis. I am incredibly grateful to all the team members who have dedicated their time and effort to this important endeavor. It's a true testament to the commitment and passion that drives our organization.

While the plan is still in draft form and subject to change, it is anticipated that our five pillars of success for the next three years will be Growth, Relationships, Talent, Infrastructure, and Fundraising. Each of these pillars will have specific, measurable goals that will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the management team. The overarching goal of this plan is to bolster CRi's resilience, ensuring that we not only navigate the current uncertainties but also thrive for the next 50 years and beyond.

To ensure that everyone understands how their daily work contributes to CRi's long-term success, the multi-year goals are broken down into annual plans and checkpoints, which are further translated into departmental goals and communicated to every member of the team. This transparent approach ensures that our entire community is aligned and working together towards our shared vision.

A Community Effort

I'm pleased to share this glimpse into our strategic planning process with you, our valued community members. Your engagement and support are essential to our success. I extend my sincere gratitude to the board members who have worked tirelessly to bring this plan to fruition: Matt Bartley, Paula Bruggeman, Mike Fitzgerald, Tamika Hawkins-Adu, Brigitte Custer, and Eva Loser. CRi is truly fortunate to have such dedicated and capable leadership. We look forward to sharing the final strategic plan with you in the coming months and working together to build an even stronger future for CRi.


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