Community Homes

CRi’s residential programs provide neighborhood homes with a shared living environment. Every home is located within reasonable access to shopping, recreational, social, cultural, and religious activities, health care facilities, transportation, and vocational opportunities. This provides residents an opportunity to live, shop, take public transportation, & work in the communities in which they reside.

CRi offers support in licensed or DBHDS authorized apartments. Individuals have access to support ranging from around the clock to on-call. Staff also provides individuals with training in the development of skills to provide for optimum independence. The Supported Living model promotes community integration and opportunities for full community participation in the least restrictive environment suitable to each individual’s need. It exemplifies best practices for providing services to individuals with intellectual disabilities.

CRi’s person-centered approach supports the achievement of maximum independence & functioning through the development of skills relating to:

  • Communication
  • Self-care
  • Home living
  • Pro-social behaviors
  • Resource familiarization
  • Community integration and utilization
  • Self-direction
  • Health and safety
  • Leisure and recreation
  • Positive behavioral support


In-Home Support

In-home supports are available to individuals with developmental disabilities who live with family or in their own residence. Support is provided in the form of periodic supervision & targeted services based upon individual needs. CRi provides skills building training to support personal preferences as described in the Individualized Service Plan(ISP). The ISP uses person-centered planning (individual driven planning) to develop activities, supports, training, & supervision to assist individuals to maintain or improve their place in the community.

  • Tailored support is provided to individuals living in their own apartment or with family
  • Skilled counselors provide support in the individual’s home as well as in his or her community
  • Individual service plans provide flexible and creative approaches to support successful outcomes
  • CRi partners with the community to support each individual’s unique interests, needs, & desires
  • Support is provided to help each individual maintain a job within his or her community
  • Adults with an intellectual disability that meet Medicaid criteria are eligible


  • Online Referral Form: Click HERE!  
  • Printable Referral Form: Download HERE!